up is the only way!


when you're down, the only good thing is that u can only go up from there.
i m on my way to up just now, if i use this theory. and i like to think that i'm right.
today was good. thank you for not letting me down and giving some hope back. hope in a friendship and communication well started.

aaa, this month i'm gonna be 23 :D.
hehe, i'm not growing old, i'm just growing UP. see, up is the only way now :P!

i miss to be told "i missed you" and to be kissed on the forehead, and on my closed eyes.

but i'm learning (quite hard)to grow up in silence. i agree with silence and growing up. and i want to sing love songs.

love may not be everything in your life, but it makes it damn good.


Anonnnymus a spus…
ce-ti ziceam eu, pogonici, de acel "let's comfortably share silence"? ca sa nu mai vorbim doar de dragul de a borbi, dupa cum mi s-a reprosat mie ieri de o persoana.. dar eu nu o cred, ca stiu ca aiureste si de fapt, ea e cea care nu stie sa vorbeasca. Cat despre love songurile alea... ia un shot latino cum fac eu acum:D.merge.Sau mai bine asculta cantecele care-ti aduc aminte de cele mai frumoase clipe din viata ta de arici, cred ca de fapt, astea sunt adevaratele "loveSongs".Si..love is everything, love's in everything, chiar si-n cele mai egoiste chestii; si sa stii ca planeta aia in care orice iubire este impartasita NU EXISTA ;)
mitzoaca a spus…
hm...hope giving indeed, arici!
mazette a spus…
:X:X La multi ani! >:D<
mitzoaca a spus…
hm...deci nu stii cand e ziua mea...:P
mai e pana la ea

dar multumesc de pe acum
mazette a spus…
hm...cand e ziua ta? :D:D:D
mitzoaca a spus…
hm....de sf constantin si Elena
mazette a spus…
hm....bravo...hm :))
mazette a spus…
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mitzoaca a spus…
ma gandeam eu ca s cam multi de hmm....



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