i got the key!!!!
so, i was browsing stuff (as always) and found this :
Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway. ~ John Wayne
and now, me. i am already scared to death, so, half of the work is already done. all i need now is to saddle it up and, eventually, become courageous.
this gives me hope.

and there's john wayne! see, i already handle him... :)
Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway. ~ John Wayne
and now, me. i am already scared to death, so, half of the work is already done. all i need now is to saddle it up and, eventually, become courageous.
this gives me hope.

and there's john wayne! see, i already handle him... :)
in sfarsit, niste timp linistit la birou sa citim... si ce citim ( eu si cu stomacul meu pe care se pare ca il deranjeaza ceva)? pai mesajul tau, cel optimist... cheia la prima usa, nu? pai deja niste pasi inainte... deci se poate :D... Asta e incurajator... Si acum asteptam rezolvarea pentru cheia urmatoare... Pam pam! :D
a doua. alte chei de la alte usi mai iau timp. inca finisez cheia asta, ca se cam blocheaza. :)
cand le gasesc, va anunt. :)))