chiar nu exista sfarsit?

de texte. sau de orice.

de fiecare data cand vreau sa scriu ceva, ma uit mai intai in lista de texte nepublicate. pana acum le-am citit si recitit de muulte ori, am inceput chiar sa le rescriu, dar le-am lasat tot acolo unde erau. poate e asta o metafora a felului meu de a actiona. dar acum am se le copiez pe toate, asa cum sunt. unele ar fi putut fi chiar interesante.


1. about sex, feb 2010

If we are to believe Le Marquis de Sade, then"Sex" is as important as eating or drinking and we ought to allow the one appetite to be satisfied with as little restraint or false modesty as the other.”
And yet, even nowadays, sex is considered a sin or a regretful act, especially if you're a woman.

To begin with, i am a young woman, thus i am about to touching the peek of my sexual curiosity and experience. I might be regarded as "too slow" by others, and in fact, i might even be, but it is well known that one's sexual behavior is much influenced by the education, the models in life, own conscience and "good" and "bad" concepts. we're not counting partners, just mental *readiness*.

Up to Freud's revolutionary ideas, children, and thus childhood, were regarded as pure human beings, little angels, who are incapable of doing or even thinking bad, and, of course, oblivious of the earthy and flesh pleasures. But then he came and proved that children experience sexual pleasures and even orgasms since times they can barely recognize themselves. They made a study where a naked 1yo boy was left in front of the mirror, and they observed that just by looking at his naked body, he would have an erection. Often little girls and boys play with their genitals because it offers them pleasure, pure pleasure in that state of facts. They don't know what it is and what it's called, they have no notion of bad or good yet, they just enjoy it.

And here is where the natural course of actions is deviated. As we grow up, parents and adults tell us that it is not good to touch ourselves, that the"s" word is a bad word that shouldn't be mentioned.
However, the further education they receive is, if not totally opposite, at least

2. autumn again , oct 2009

deii has a new obsession now, everything that happens is compared to everything that happened last year this time.
i don't really want to compare situations, last year i was homeless for a month, just ended a relationship, liking a guy who was just playing, and then living alone in a huuuuge empty appartment.
i like to think that this year is waaaay better. and it actually is!
bubbly feelings again, a lot of confidence, and curiosity for what is going to happend next. but i have a good feeling about everything.

3. termen de expirare, june 2009

da, ma intrebam aseara daca toate lucrurile si sentimentele au termen de expirare.
si ma gandeam la naivitate sila increderea in oameni.

4. haos, aug. 2008

am cautat pe youtube cantece din comunism. am ajuns la cantece vechi din folclor. si acum ascult si-mi vine sa plang.

aaaa...hhumm...hmmm...erm...pues...or fi hormonii?!

vreau sa merg la un concert de muzica populara autentica.

pana atunci.


astea sunt doar 4 din cele 15 . multe sunt doar titluri.

si un cantec frumos care se potriveste cu ce simt.

nao me deixe so!


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