
does anybody remember the "very late" feeling from when you were a child?
12 o'clock was extremely late and beyond that hour it was innimaginably late. like you were leaving on a journey to never come back. like you knew it is just too late, and there was no chance to regain that time again, it was necessary to sleep, it was a must.

and i noticed that as i was growing, that feeling dissapeared. now i can stay up all night, 3am doesn't seem late at all.

and i miss that "very innimaginably late" feeling.

now i know that night is not as magic and mysterious as i thought it was when i was not aloud to enjoy it awake.


Anonim a spus…
spui asta pentru ca inca nu lucrezi. atunci te vei simti ca un copil mare, in toata firea lui matura si responsabila. Da, cuvinte mari, dar placut asimilabile :)
mitzoaca a spus…
nu ma refeream strict la "tarziu" ca timp fizic, crede-ma, am inceput sa apreciez fiecare minutel dormit, cel putin in ultimul timp, dar era vorba de sentimentul de "noaptea tarziu", cand nici nu-mi puteam imagina cum arata lumea la ora 3... ca si cum timpul disparea, si dc nu dormeai ti se intamplau lucruri groaznice. sau doar eu simteam asta.
mazette a spus…
:X:X asta imi place mult de tot:X:X
Stiu feeling-ul
Octav a spus…
true true

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